THM: Pre Security – your ticket into IT and Infosec
So, there is a new learning path on TryHackMe called Pre Security
THM describes it as
“This learning path will teach you the pre-requisite technical knowledge to get started in cybersecurity. To attack or defend any technology, you have to first learn how this technology works.”
I decided to take a look into this path to add to the list of great starting points for people asking me how to start in infosec or IT in general. I know this feeling of wandering among a huge amount of resources in the beginning, so I always try my best to recommend the best resources. And in a result, I enjoyed this path a lot and will recommend it to people who are mostly new to IT and need a solid basis, which will become support in further training.
Structure of path
This path longs about 40 hours and includes 5 modules. It is about 15 rooms, but some are not available if you are not subscribed.

Each module gives you the basics of its specialty. Lessons include theory and practice as well. And to work on these tasks you won’t need any virtual machine or additional software on your machine. Only you and tryhackme in your browser, which is fantastic if someone completely new to get a grasp on basic knowledge.
So let’s talk about each module.
Cyber Security Introduction

The first module in form of the game tells you what is behind the hacking, which is an understanding of processes and technology. You will launch your first attack on a web application and get an explanation of why this attack is possible.

Network Fundamentals

The next module explains the basics of network: what is the internet and how it works, how can be organized local network and what advantages and disadvantages each method has, what is OSI model and how is it a basis for all networking, and also some methods of attacks and defends.
I can’t stress enough how important knowledge about networks in any security activity, from CTF tasks to real-life assessments. Of course, this module won’t give you the necessary level of skills to become a pentester the next day, but it is a great start. Also, I advise you to take notes because there is a lot of information and it would be hard to remember it all.

How The Web Works

It has been argued that web application assessments are the most common and easiest way to get into infosec. Well, it depends on the individual, of course, but the basics of the web are a must-know for every IT specialist.
In this module, you will study DNS and HTTP protocols, the basics of HTML and JavaScript, some methods of attacks, and used hardware in website hosting.

As a suggestion I would also like to see a task on XSS in the “How websites work” room, it would be great practice on JavaScript and would work great near the HTML injection task.
Linux Fundamentals

In this module, THM will explain to you how to use Linux from a completely fresh start. Basics knowledge of Linux is essential in the IT-sphere and especially infosec. And the good news is that after this module you won’t get scared of the terminal. Also, I liked that this module includes a video walkthrough in case if some written explanations are not clear enough.

Windows Fundamentals

Following the steps of the previous module, Windows Fundamentals explains to you how to work with your system outside the bubble of usual day-to-day use. In my opinion, this module gets more into security than the previous one. But this module does not include a video walkthrough, which will be cherry on top for new students.

Final thoughts
- Really useful learning path if you are completely new to IT.
- If you already have experience, better check rooms individually.
- Works better with a subscription.
- Does not require any setup, program, or virtual boxes. Just internet connection, browser, and account on THM.
At the end of the learning path, you will receive the certificate, which will look good on your LinkedIn or something like that.

I hope it was helpful to you. If you have any additional questions, feel free to tweet me @m0rn1ngstr Good luck!